August 28, 2024

Sales Enablement Management: 10 Must-have Templates

Static PDFs or Excel templates for sales enablement materials don’t cut it anymore if you want to have the best sales team. AI-powered sales enablement management ensures you stay ahead of the competition.

Sales enablement management focuses on empowering sales teams with strategies and content that showcase value to prospective clients to close deals. 

Product & marketing teams often race against the clock to supply their sales teams with up-to-date assets, presentations, and insights. 

Static PDFs or Excel templates for sales enablement materials don’t cut it anymore if you want to have the best sales team. Your assets and research quickly lose relevance when product and competitor information becomes outdated within months, if not weeks. 

To stay ahead of the curve you need to develop better sales materials faster. to do so, properly using AI is a must to stay ahead of the competition and keep sales teams informed on new product insights and your competitive landscape. 

In this article, we’ll explore 10 sales enablement templates, powered by AI, to set your sales team up for success. Speed up not only the writing but also the research and reporting process when doing your sales enablement management.

Join thousands of tech-savvy product, marketing, and sales teams by using these templates and always work with up-to-date and highly converting sales enablement materials.

Sales Script Template

Sales enablement management template preview: Sales script - equip your sales team with tailored conversation guides

A sales script is a carefully crafted guide that ensures that all representatives convey the brand's value proposition. Typically written by product managers, sales leaders, or marketing professionals, sales scripts are essential for delivering consistent and persuasive messages. 

Writing an AI-powered sales script template is a must-have in your sales enablement strategy, here’s why:

  • Turn complex product information into clear, engaging narratives tailored to specific audiences. 
  • Customize the output to match your brand’s tone and style consistently across all your assets.
  • Win back time by automating a large part of the research and writing process.

The Sales Script Template is versatile and can be applied in various scenarios such as new product launches, revitalizing sales strategies, and training sales teams. 

Turn product requirements documents, product pages, and even mock-up calls into scripts with the Sales Script Template. Learn more about this template.

Competitive Analysis Template

Sales enablement technology highlight: Competitive intelligence tool Bash - Generate insights for your competition. Get a better sense of positioning, go-to-market, product differentiation and more. All for free.

A competitive intelligence research template offers a structured framework to gather and analyze information about competitors. Researching your competitors is crucial if you want sales teams to keep up with market dynamics and product positioning. 

When looking at marketing and sales enablement, competitive intelligence offers crucial insights needed to refine sales strategies, highlight differentiators, and identify potential market opportunities.

Bash can rapidly analyze vast amounts of data from various sources, extracting key insights and trends with precision. Customize outputs to align with your specific needs, ensuring that insights are relevant and actionable.

Add any competitor information, be it a product page, online reviews, customer calls, or other information to our sales enablement technology and we’ll extract the key competitive insights with the help of AI. Try it out!

Buyer Persona Template

Sales material highlight: Buyer persona generator - Come up with buyer personas for your product or brand. Custom written for you with some help from Bash. All for free.

Buyer personas are a type of sales enablement content used to describe detailed profiles of ideal customers. Comprehensive personas include demographics, behaviors, goals, and pain points. 

Personas that reflect your customer base across different product and service offerings help your sales teams work much more effectively. When applied to practice, relatable buyer personas should be the foundation of personalized sales approaches to ensure every interaction resonates.

Bash’s buyer persona generator helps you brainstorm infinitely on personas for products and services you’re offering by analyzing data from various sources. Simply share a link, audio file, or other product or service intel and start generating personas. 

Never stare at a blank page again with the help of AI. Pick and choose the most representative personas out of thousands of ideas and update your personas in seconds whenever significant changes happen to your product or service. Try it out!

SWOT Template

Sales enablement strategy formulation: SWOT template to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

A SWOT Template is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to a business or project. SWOTs are essential when you want to identify internal and external factors that can impact success.

A SWOT analysis of your business or a competitor is a crucial asset if you’re looking to arm your sales teams with valuable insights. Understand market positioning, improve competitive strategies, and align sales processes with overarching business goals.

The AI-powered SWOT template can quickly process and integrate diverse data sources, generating comprehensive and insightful SWOT analyses in seconds. Update and customize the output with the in-app editor to keep insights relevant and actionable as well.

View marketing SWOT examples, personal SWOT analysis examples, or regular SWOT analysis examples to get a better understanding of how the template works and what kind of insights it offers! Try it out yourself. 

Cold Outreach Email Template

Marketing and sales enablement with a cold outreach email template: Break the ice with prospective leads through tailored emails.

Initiate contact with a message that resonates, tackles pain points, and represents your brand to the teeth with high-quality cold outreach emails. Sales and marketing teams often craft these messages and store them in their sales enablement knowledge base to maximize response rates of cold sales efforts. 

Cold outreach emails are crucial in sales content management if you’re looking to build new relationships, generate leads, and expand your network. To do so, you need a captivating message that breaks through the noise of overcrowded inboxes.

Writing new cold outreach emails should be a priority for your team when launching a new product, seeking partnership opportunities or if you’re looking to retarget past customers. The cold outreach email template tackles the task in an innovative way so you can come up with hundreds of ideas in no time. 

Battle Card Template

Sales enablement content generator: Battle cards - come up with competitive battle cards for your product or brand. From customer pain points to differentiators and sales messaging. All custom written for you.

Battle cards equip sales teams with vital information about competitors, customer pain points, differentiators, and sales messaging. Typically crafted by product managers, marketing teams, and competitive intelligence analysts, these cards provide quick insights that help sales representatives handle objections and highlight advantages.

Empower sales teams with the knowledge needed to effectively position the product and respond to customer inquiries confidently. The Battle card template swiftly processes and integrates diverse data sources, generating comprehensive and tailored battle cards in seconds. 

Well-researched battle cards are a valuable sales enablement asset for a variety of business activities including competitive intelligence, customer engagement, or doing sales training. Try out the template today to write new battle cards in seconds!

Product Positioning Template

Sales enablement best practices: Positioning generator. Come up with positioning for marketing tailored to your product. Product descriptions, personas and differentiators, Bash gets you started in seconds.

A Product Positioning Template is a strategic framework used to define how a product is perceived in the market, highlighting its unique value propositions and differentiators. 

In sales enablement management, a clear positioning statement helps ensure that sales teams communicate the product’s benefits effectively, resonate with the target audience, and stand out from competitors.

Positioning statements are often written during new product launches, competitive analyses and when creating branded assets for sales presentations, demos and white papers. 

Instead of manually researching multiple sites and products, you can feed the positioning statement generator with a URL, audio or text source and turn insights into a positioning statement. 

User Story Template

Sales enablement templates user story generator. Create custom stories for any product, webpage, or URL with the user story template. Put your users first and bring product& Marketing work to the next level.

User stories are concise descriptions of a feature from the end user's perspective. Typically written by product managers and development teams, these stories focus on user needs and feature value.  

You should not overlook user stories when building out your sales enablement materials. Well-written and relatable stories help align sales and product teams around customer priorities, ensuring that the product's benefits are communicated clearly and resonate.

It’s easy to run out of ideas for user stories when using traditional templates. However, with the user story generator you can generate infinite user stories examples inspired by product pages, customer conversations, and competitor information. 

Summary Template

Sales enablement best practices: Write summaries with AI. Turn any article into insights and actions that you can apply to your day-to-day. Summarize any article o webpage for free.

Condense information from articles, reports, or meetings into concise and actionable insights with the summary generator

In sales enablement management, summary templates are crucial as they ensure that sales teams have quick access to information. Staying up-to-date with the latest news enables BDR’s and account executives to make decisions faster and personalize communication with prospective customers.

The AI summary generator can quickly analyze large volumes of text, URL, or audio and extract the most relevant information in a concise format. Bash also offers customization options, allowing users to tailor the tone, audience, and language to fit the specific needs of a team.

Sales Training Slide Outline Template

Create sales material with the sales training slide outline. Train your sales team more impactfully.

A Sales Training Slide Outline is a structured framework used to create engaging and informative product presentations for sales teams. Effective outlines transform complex product information into accessible, interactive slide decks. 

In sales enablement management, they are crucial for ensuring that sales representatives are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively communicate product benefits and handle customer objections.

Automating part of the process saves time and improves consistency, allowing trainers to focus on refining content and delivery. Introduce new products faster, set up refresher training or train teams on objection with the dedicated sales training slide outline template

80+ AI-powered Templates to Supercharge Your Sales Enablement Management

We’ve covered 10 sales enablement best practices that help you organize product, sales, and marketing materials efficiently. 

Arm your sales enablement knowledge base with user stories, battle cards, buyer personas, and more, ensuring that sales teams have consistent, high-quality resources at their fingertips. 

But Bash beats other sales enablement platforms by offering templates covering all your research, writing, and reporting workflows. Product & marketing teams leverage bash for product research, content marketing, webpage reviews, meeting minutes writing, and more with 80+ AI-powered templates!

Preview sales enablement templates in gallery: action plan, actionable insights, key takeaways, meeting minutes and 70+ more.