Action Plan Generator

Get a free action plan based on an article, blogpost, or webpage.

Try these URLs
Wikipedia – Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
The Economist – Many mental-health conditions have bodily triggers
The Verge – Rabbit R1 review: nothing to see here
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Get actionable insights from any content

Quickly turn how-to guides, announcements, proposals, product descriptions and more
into step-by-step actions, strategies, and workflows.

Plan your strategy
with your content

Upload product information, transcripts or audio files to Bash.
Use the built-in template and editor to write new action plans in seconds.

Upload conversations and product information

Add your past discussions or product pages to Bash. This gives the AI context on your product.

Create a draft

Use templates like the Business Plan or Action Plan template to go from meeting to follow up within seconds.

Customize the template

Fine tune your strategy by tone, audience, persona, and language.

Ask Bash to focus on specific frameworks, channels or timelines in the additional information panel

Execute Strategies 10x faster

Add new content or make changes to the action plan template with the AI-powered editor.

Press  "/" to add something new or select existing text and press "command + /" to change it.
Template gallery in Bash

Smart templates at your fingertips

Save countless hours of content writing and editing with expert templates. From action planning to blog articles and emails.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Bash offer an plan of action template?

Yes, Bash does offers different templates to help with plan of action! Upload product information and discussions and turn them into valuable action plans, business plans, GTM strategies and marketing plans.

What is an action plan?

An action plan is a detailed roadmap that outlines the steps and tasks required to achieve a specific goal. Strategic planning helps individuals, teams, and organizations of all sizes to organize their efforts and increase their chances of success.

How do I create a new strategy with the action plan template?

In order to write an Action plan with Bash follow these steps:

1. Upload product information or a conversations transcript/audio to Bash.
2. Go to drafts, select your sources and select the "Action Plan template".
3. Personalize your draft and make changes where needed.
4. Copy the finalized action plan and share through email, chat or other designated channel.

How detailed are AI action plans?

Bash produces great strategies and action plans, capturing crucial points, timelines and required resources. Our AI-powered action plans effectively incorporate your conversations and product information in the creation of new strategies.

Accuracy and comprehensiveness of action plans depend on several factors, including the quality of the source material and the complexity of the discussed topics.

Can I make changes to the action plan template?

You can fine tune the output of the template by selecting the tone, audience and persona for the output. There is also an input bar where you can provide Bash with more context, words to avoid, relevant background to know, writing style specification and more.

Why should I use Bash for writing my action plans?

Bash works on the information you provide. Instead of manually writing strategies, you can draft the foundation and fill out any remaining details with the AI editor. It's as simple as uploading your files, selecting the action plan template and making the necessary edits to the AI strategy.
If you have any further questions reach out to our team